Hamilton Health and Wellness Center

Restoring Health - Blog Category:

Drug Free Ways to Aid Depression

Date: 2010-01-29

Mood disorders for all ages are bordering on epidemic proportions throughout the world. Our modern lifestyle has changed our inherent balance primarily through technology. We no longer rest when the sun goes down or eat food that is whole and void of chemicals. Everywhere we look today, people are living at a high speed pace with little thought of their internal environment until they crash. Most people run to their doctor demanding a quick fix. Drugs are no panacea. Almost a third of patients do not respond to antidepressants and the ones that do, find the drugs less effective over time coupled by unpleasant side effects. A collective accumulation of internal and external developments leads to a depressed state. It makes more sense to find natural, non drug ways to correct the imbalance of neurotransmitters like serotonin and other key elements involved with depression.

Flavonoids Benefit Oxidative Stress and Inflammation Associated with Autism

Date: 2008-07-31

Autism has increased tenfold in the last fifteen years. Without question there is a reason for such an escalation to occur. Despite many years of assuming that autism is primarily an untreatable brain disorder, today many children are being helped to get better by treating biological imbalances and the potential culprits rather than treating the resulting behaviour.

Prevent and Treat Diabetes; Type I & II: a Holistic Doctor’s Secrets

Date: 2008-06-05

Today, we have an arsenal of natural fighting tools, designed for prevention and treatment of diabetes whereby reducing or eliminating ones dependency on medication.

Liver Toxicity: The Effects, How to Prevent and How to Repair

Date: 2008-06-05

Each day we expose our liver to thousands of toxic chemicals. In the air we breathe, the food we eat, the water we drink and from our homes and workplaces. A healthy, well functioning liver with adequate antioxidant capacity is our body’s best defense and essentially determines whether or not a foreign substance has a toxic effect. Free radial formation is associated with degenerative disease and aging. Antioxidants kill free radials. Glutathione is our livers main antioxidant.

Herbal Tonics: the Gentle Healers - Effective Ways to Help Yourself

Date: 2008-06-05

The natural balance of plants has served humans for thousands of years not only as a food source but as a medicinal one. Mans evolution has developed a synergistic compatibility with the biochemistry of plants. Since ancient times, plants have been used as medicine but have been studied more extensively in recent years. As with other traditional and complementary therapies, herbal medicine endeavors to resolve the underlying imbalance and disharmony of the whole person. The availability of plants active constituents to the human body, when taken properly, stimulates our inherent ability to apply the healing energy needed to return the body to homeostasis. Balance and harmony are key components in the gentle healing quality of herbal tonics.

Acid Reflux and Heartburn: Natural and Simple Solutions

Date: 2008-06-05

A fairly common symptom of gastro-esophageal (acid) reflux disease is experienced as a burning sensation behind the breastbone. Irritated esophageal tissues need time to heal. This is achieved essentially in three approaches. 1. By reducing gastric acidity, any stomach reflux that reaches the esophagus will be less irritating to the tissues. 2. Maintain a high degree of pressure in the area of the esophageal sphincter in order to avoid acid reflux from the stomach. 3. Minimize direct irritation by food making contact with the inflamed esophagus.

The Facts of Fat: Lower Cholesterol Naturally

Date: 2008-06-05

Can you lower your cholesterol naturally? Emphatically yes! Cholesterol, with all its hype, is the most misunderstood fat. Our bodies must have cholesterol to produce hormones, bile acids and vitamin D – plus it is an essential part of our brain and cell membranes. The majority of cholesterol is manufactured by our own bodies, acting as a protector to remove plaques from the arteries.

Improve Your Memory and Mental Acuity

Date: 2008-02-04

Forgetting an occasional name or a birthday is a natural occurrence at any age. But it is not natural to experience memory lapses, become disoriented or confused with such frequency that it affects ones quality of life. Weakening cognitive abilities had been looked upon as a characteristic associated with advancing years.

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